Sunday, May 18, 2008

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Week 7

Well, I'd kind of done week 6 with the mashups, that was fun. And now the exercise is to write about something techie.
On Tuesday I went to the Information Online Conference, I was asked to talk about our learning program here. While I was there I got to listen to a dude called Dave Lankes who talks about libraries as conversations - his idea is that you can have conversations with people in the here and now, but also in the abstract - for instance between and author and you by reading their book. Anyway, he reckons its important for us to engage in conversations and make our catalogues more interactive, by letting people put reviews on and maybe even tags - so much for LCSH - deaded I'd say.
I've also been busy with the uncon blog, which should give me some brownie points - at least one red star for this week!
I'm going to try tagging someone, this is a cute American thing - you have to tell people 5 things about yourself that no-one else would know -
so I tag Learner Blog...

5 things about me no-one else knows:

1. My proudest thing is jumping out of a plane at 3000' (all by myself)
2. I learned the piano for 7 years, but you'd never know it now
3. I like baking cakes
4. My ambition is to take off around Australia in a combi (or similar)
5. My worst fear is ran over my foot in Baltimore once, it still makes me shudder

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Week 5

Well this is fun - I have just made a couple of banners

I've had a go cataloguing books onto library thing before, I find it hard to believe that people would want to do this, it must be like playing shops or doctors and nurses when you were little, people want to play librarians!!

I will play a bit more with the fun stuff -

I've also been busy with the unconference blog, and quite proud of how I have changed the links (following some tutoring from our Denise) and got rid of some of the stuff on the side (the profiles etc)

We had a visit from Chelsea Harper today, she is doing a research project on blogs and wikis in libraries.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Week 4, things # 8 & 9

Well, I seem to have got the hang of bloglines, I now have feeds to Stephen's Lighthouse & Shifted Librarian as well as About Dogs, NY Times Book Review and the Accidental Hedonist, where I learned that you can get salmonella from tomatoes.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Stand strong

Stand strong
Originally uploaded by bossyprl.

So I made the poster, I uploaded it to Flickr, and then I blogged it!

The photo was taken last year at Ventspils, Latvia on the Baltic Coast. The wind was very strong!

Week 3

well, how much fun can you have at work! Today I've learned how to make a trading card, I've created a stunning inspirational poster, and I've discovered how to tag in flickr!!
What do you think of the poster??

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The boys - aren't they beautiful!

Walking the talk

Well, like all the good management books say, walk the talk, lead by example etc etc.
So - well done to the 10 or so that have preceeded me, and lets hope a lot more join us! Its great to see everyone's efforts - and those who have already worked ahead.
I liked the 71/2 habits - I can remember when I first came across Stephen Covey's 7 habits, and the habit that most impressed me back in the early 90s and has stayed with me is to start with the end in mind. Even when things don't quite work out the way you'd imagined, at least you'll have some idea on where you are going.
In Covey's book he gets you to do a really interesting exercise - write your obituary. A very centering experience! But not too much of the serious, I am enjoying the gardener's blog!
So, starting with the end in mind, I'm looking forward to learning these 23 things.